The Interactive Atlas of |
Zebrafish Vascular Anatomy |
Whole embryo lateral view |
Stage |
Additional Diagrams |
28 hours
24 Hour Overview |
26 Hour Overview |
Head, Dorsal-Anterior |
Head, Dorsal-View |
1.5 days
Forming Segmentals |
Head, lateral, early stage |
Head, Ventral-Anterior |
Head / Trunk, Dorsanterior |
2 days
Head Vessels, Dorsal |
Head Vessels, Ventral-Anterior |
Head Vessels, Dorsal-Anterior |
2.5 days
Head-Trunk Connections |
Head, Ventral-Lateral |
Head, Dorsal-Lateral |
3 days
Dorsal Head Multilayer Composite Diagram |
The Anterior Mesenteric Artery and its Derivatives |
Aortic Arches |
Hepatic Vessels |
3.5 days
The Aortic Arches and their Connections to Head Vessels |
Ventral View of Arches |
Lateral View of Arches |
Pectoral Fin Drawing |
4 days
4.5 days
Dorsal Head Multilayer Composite Diagram |
5 days
6 days
Dorsal Head Multilayer Composite Diagram |
7 days
"Overview" Diagrams
Head vessel changes, 1-2 days post-fertilization
Development of head-trunk vascular connections
Development of intestinal vasculature
Trunk vessels, in cross-section
Back to the Introduction of the Interactive Atlas of Zebrafish Vascular Anatomy |
Key to Vessel Abbreviations |