Vascular Anatomy of the 2 dpf Zebrafish Embryo
3-D Images
Choose Image... Choose View...

1 - Head, Lateral Single Frame
2 - Head / Trunk, Lateral Left-Right Rotation
3 - Trunk, Lateral Up-Down Rotation
4 - Trunk / Tail, Lateral Z-Series
5 - Tail, Lateral Red / Green Overlay
6 - Head, Dorsal
7 - Head, Ventral-Anterior Select ONE Image & ONE View, Then
8- Head, Dorsal-Anterior
9 - Head / Trunk, Dorsal-Anterior
Wiring Diagrams
Whole Embryo, Lateral
Head Vessels, Dorsal
Head Vessels, Ventral-Anterior
Head Vessels, Dorsal-Anterior
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
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Key to Vessel Abbreviations